Thanks to our wonderful extended family we are on vacation in Destin, Florida. We want to say a great big THANK YOU! to Mr. Jerry and Aunt Jana for giving us this wonderful gift. Jesse is truly relaxing and we are definitely molding together as a family again; however, you may notice someone missing in the pictures...Brand. He had to stay home since he is only 6 1/2 months we did not think he could quite handle the water, sun, and travel. Another is my 13th anniversary and one of the few I get to spend with Jesse!!!! GOD IS GOOD!!!!!
We arrived at Silver Shells about 10 PM Sunday night...just in time for me to see the season premiere of "Army Wives!" (Since Gilmore Girls has gone off this is my new obsession!) The girls were thrilled with the fact that our door is the elevator! I did not think they were ever going to sleep, but they finally did. Sandy was up at 6 AM and she woke Emma Lee up at 7 AM and they finally got us up at 8AM. The pictures below is what we did the rest of the day!!! It was great but man I don't think any of us will need any salt on our food for a while! We ate at Fudpuckers today and we enjoyed the "gators."
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