Saturday, January 21, 2006

Thought I would update everyone (all 3 people who actually take the time to read this...hehe). Jesse is finally home! I can't say for good cause who knows what our next adventure will hold for us, but he is home and off of active duty. He has his cast off, and his thumb looks pretty good, but he still has to have it looked at by some doctors. He has to report back to work Monday; however, is not sure if he is suppose to show up at Grocer's Pride or Piggly Wiggly. It is a weird situation but a good one. Sandy has started playing basketball with the Upwards Program in Houston. This is just for fun and the serious stuff comes in the spring with softball. Of course Sandy's Aunt Gaye might say different cause she is getting Sandy into some serious Cow Competitions too. Sandy's basketball team is the Lady Cardinals, and she is actually pretty good. She only falls on average 2 times per game, and her running is getting better. Emma Lee like always is running behind Sandy trying to keep up. She is all geared up for a Strawberry Shortcake Birthday party next weekend. She will be 3 on January 28th. I can hardly believe it. Seems like yesterday I was bringing her home from the hospital. Time sure does fly when your having fun.


Anonymous said...

Miriam - It's so good to hear Jesse is back home! Emma a 3 year old - WOW! Hope all is well; we miss you all. Lewanda

Dad said...

miriam update your blog please